Optimization based Generation of Walking Primitives and Step Sequences for Perception Guided Biped Robots

This thesis presents a general method for the online generation of step sequences and corresponding reference trajectories from path information and environmental perception, which provide a basis for stable and collision-free humanoid biped robot walking in 3D-scenarios with prototypical obstacles. The reference trajectories are obtained by a situation dependent online selection and concatenation of single walking primitives, which are stored in an off/line computed database. Optimal control techniques are employed for the systematic synthesis of the walking primitives. Unilaterality conditions between the feet and the ground, friction conditions, restrictions of the joint drives as well as further restrictions of the task space are taken into account by constraints to the optimization problem. To allow a continuous locomotion of the walking machine along a pre-specified local path and over obstacles like barrier, ditch or stairs, a systematic graph based approach for situation dependent online walking primitive selection is applied. Simulation results and experiments with physical walking machines demonstrate the practical relevance of the proposed concept.